Egg and Bacon Pots
Looking for some inspiring breakfast/brunch ideas or lunch on the go? Johnston Mooney and O’Brien Toastie pots can be made ahead, perfect as a tea time snack.
Serves 6
- 6 slices Johnston Mooney and O’Brien Toastie bread
- 6 streaky rashers
- 6 eggs
- Vegetable oil for greasing
Pre-heat oven to 200c. Lightly oil a muffin tray with olive or vegetable oil. Mould each slice of Johnston Mooney and O’Brien Toastie into each muffin holder, (use extra bread to fill the gaps). Lightly cook the rashers until crispy and curl one rasher into each mould. Break an egg into each mould and cook for 10 minutes.
Serve with a crispy fresh salad for a delicious brunch.